How to lose weight? In the presence of overweight and its growth, measures must be taken to normalize it. And here you can hear, read and see a thousand or even more methods, including even special operations to remove fat or reduce the volume of the stomach.
Basic weight loss rules
How to lose weight? There are drugs for weight loss with different mechanisms of action. Some drugs block the action of enzymes that break down fats in our body, while others seem to absorb fat molecules from food and remove them from the body.
All these remedies, especially when taken for a long time, can cause serious problems in the digestive system, so God forbid you take them without consulting and without the supervision of a specialist. The main disadvantage of all such drugs is that they act only for the period of taking the drug. When it is canceled, the lost weight quickly returns.Many drugs and supplements for weight loss are advertised on the market and their number is growing. Most of them, however, are highly questionable. Manufacturers of these drugs more often prefer to invest money in advertising funds rather than in studying their effectiveness and safety.
Dear ladies and gentlemen, the basic principle and secret of weight loss and weight control is quite simple: you need to consume fewer calories and spend more of them.
Attention!There are only two natural and safe ways to control your weight: through exercise and through diet.
At the same time, some weight control is relatively easy, while others have to work and suffer for months and years. The former can afford statements such as: "Being overweight is a sign of reflection and lack of self-discipline. "Secondly, such statements are only annoying.
Because weight can also depend to one degree or another on genetic and constitutional factors that are not so easy and easy to deal with. Nevertheless, there are universal rules and techniques for weight control that allow everyone to achieve more or less results.
In the modern world, the majority of the population lives on a relative abundance of food and food. At the same time, food is easily available to most, you don't have to get it, grow it, just go to the supermarket, wander the shelves full of different foods and products in bright and attractive packaging, take a full cart, give the money tocash register and swallow it as much as you want, and how much will fit.
With the abundance, variety and easy availability of food and products, the majority of consumers develop a real "food addiction". People are addicted to foods high in calories, fatty or sweet foods, such as drugs. As a result, chronic overeating occurs with all the negative consequences for well-being and health, and being overweight is only an external manifestation of these negative consequences.
Therefore, the first step and rule is to get out of the "food mania". Take self-control over your food. Listen to your appetite or hunger. Don't swallow anything awful just because you put it on and look at it from a plate, or because it's time for a snack or lunch. Listen to your inner feelings, whether you really want to eat, whether you really need to eat.
- Rule 1.I only eat when I'm really hungry.
- Rule 2.Never eat satiety. Listen to your feeling of hunger, it's over - as long as I move the plate, get up from the table. Sometimes you have to stop eating, even when you still want to. Often the eyes still want, but the stomach is already full. Listen to your stomach and soothe the greed of your eyes.
- Rule 3.Weigh once a week and compare the balance readings with previous changes. If you notice that you are starting to gain weight, take the necessary weight control measures.
And that is, you do not need to invent something too advanced, you do not need to look for ultra-modern means, and then, after you have stopped taking the drug and started gaining weight again. This is pure fraud, the usual milking of money continues, come to your senses, you are not a money machine and you do not want pharmaceutical businessmen to profit from your health. So your harmony is in your hands, you just have to show character and perseverance. Taking action.